Monday, June 19, 2006

Online Business Guide

There are many tips, methods and strategies you can use to build and grow your online business. It really depends on what you want to achieve by having an online present. Whether you want to gain business leads, or to increase the sales conversion rate, you do need to have a clear focus on what you really want to achieve with your site.
Of course there are many books and ebooks to teach you that. You can look at Amazon or Clickbank and certainly you can find one that may interest you.

However, if you want to have a very clear picture of what really works online for small business then you can get this ebook by Ken Evoy. If you had read earlier of mine in this blog, you know that I highly recommend all the works by Ken Evoy. The book is called "Make Your Site Sell". Although the ebook can downloaded for free at the site, the information presented are extremely valuable and easily beat many of the Intenet Marketing ebook and Home Study Course that are in the price range of $97 to $297 or more. Just amazing how a free ebook is so popular and more demanded becouse of the information it consist than many of the paid courses.

Another great ebook is "How to Create a Fortune on the Internet in Just Four Simple Steps" by Corey Rudl. This one is not a huge ebook like "Make Your Site Sell" but it is enough to guide you get started the right way.


Blogger Z.H Dine said...

It is great article you have there.Do you have any specific guide for that is very new to internet marketing.

Here is my own personal review.

Internet Dummy

12:11 AM  

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