Sunday, July 22, 2007

Seeing the Overall Picture

Over the years, I had began to notice that by seeing the overall picture of how this world works, praise to God, my life seems to be "easier".

I began to realize the fact that has always been true.

So, here I list down some of the Facts that govern our lives.

FACT 1 - God Governs all of His creations including all of us Human Beings, based on His Wills. His Wills upon us and upon everything else, has and will absolutely happen. This is what we called Destiny or Pre-destination.

FACT 2 - God Tests all of us His servants by letting us all live in this world according to His Universally Applied Sets of Law that works for this world. He also creates "Time" that works for this world.

Fact 3 - Each one of us is GIVEN by God the followings in order to live in this world:-
A Set Of Strengths, A Set Of Weaknesses, A Universally Applied Set Of Rules and His Universally Applied Set Of Prescriptions. Given all this, Next we are given EVENTS after EVENTS after EVENTS until the last breath that we take. This is what we called life in this world.

A Universally Applied Set Of Rules is the Norms or Orders that seem to govern our lives. Example would be:-
When there's action, there is a reaction.
When we eat, we'll feel full.
When we fall, we will hit the ground. Law of gravity.
The Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars, Galaxies, all moving in orbits that has been determined
for each one of them.

A Universally Applied Set Of Prescription is the Basic Principles of Shariah or Laws that God wants us to follow for our own benefit, so that all of us His servants would live in this world to the best of our ability as Mankinds.

Fact 4 - Eventhough God made us live in this world according to the Norms or Orders that He has made for this world, He want us to Never Put Our Trust in this Norms that seem to govern our lives in this world. Instead, He want all of us to put a complete trust and faith in Him and His Wills every single waking moment.

So, when we realize these Facts of Life in this World, we know that God is managing all of us His creations, all the time. He is "with" us all the time. He is fulfilling our needs all the time. He is answering our supplications all the time on the conditions that we are sincere and put the Complete and Absolute Trust in Him in our hearts that He would answer our supplications. And as I had discuss in the earlier posts, this life is the One Complete Test. The Test to accept Him as the One and Only God, to be His servant and to do whatever He want us to do.

If we continue to put our trust and have faith in the Norms of this world that He has created, we will continue to live in the "dark" without really realizing it.

But, by seeing the overall picture of How This World or Universe is Working which is being Created, Managed and Sustained by an Absolute and Master Creator, we would know that everything is living or moving in harmoniuos order and perfect coordination, including ourselves.

Therefore, by "Backing-off" - seeing the overall picture and "Letting-go" - put a complete trust in Him, our lives will be much easier.


Friday, June 29, 2007

The Secret, Law of Attraction and Manifestation

In 2006, there was the release of a film called The Secret. It is sort of a self-help film that try to explain the so-called Secret - the "Law of Attraction".

The summary are like the followings:- "You attract what you think about", "Thoughts become things or reality" or "You are what you think".

It got huge coverage all over the media. If you look at its forum, people have been talking about how they had been able to "change" their lives by applying the Secret.

But there is something that had not been talk about a lot. And that is the "Affirmation in the Heart". This is what that actually will shape or affect our life or our so-called "reality".

Thoughts is in the mind. The mind itself is the soldier of the heart. Thought by itself can never create reality. It is the affirmation of the heart on what the mind think about that will actually affect the "reality". If we are not affirmative on anything, it will affect the outcome. If we are very affirmative of a thing, it will affect the outcome as well. Affirmation on wanting something is actually a supplication. God has always inform us this; "Supplicate to Me! (with all affirmation and sincerity). For sure I will answer you!".

Above all, God create, manage, control and sustain everything and every event. He judge us based on what we decide in the heart. As long as we cannot differentiate what is in our mind and what is actually in our heart, we would continue to think that manifestation is the result of the thinking of the mind. But the truth is, it is not. It is what we believe and affirm in the heart - the decision maker.

Another thing is, what we affirm in our heart and act upon, will not only have the effect in this life but the next life as well.

So the real Secret actually is to try to do the best out of our ability for the following 3 things - we need to do whatever God want us to do in this life, avoid whatever God want us to avoid and surrender or agree with whatever He had pre-destined to happen to us. All of this done with sincerity. Hopefully, with all of this we will be granted inner peace with Him all the time. Remember, there's no event in our lives, unless He create it.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Improve Insomnia and Sleeping Disorders Tips

There are many ways to help overcome insomnia and sleep disorders. Among others a combination of dietary and lifestyle changes has been able to help some people to improve their sleeping problem.

However, for many others dietary and lifestyle changes alone do not help very much to overcome insomnia. This is because sleep disorders relate back to our mind. A restless mind would be very difficult to fall asleep. Only by achieving peace of mind by taming the wild and restless mind of ours can we have greater chances of undisrupted and peaceful sleep.

The are many reasons for us to have restless mind. This include tension, anxiety, upset, fear, anger, stress, frustration and depression.

Relaxation techniques such as meditation can help to lower the mind and body's stress levels.

But more importantly, to achieve relaxation and peace of mind we need to have inner peace. And this start with having peace with our Creator. Here is an article that provide some helpful tips to achieve peace of mind and of course overcome insomnia.

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Best Way To React To Things Happening In Our Life

In the last couple of post I had talk about how this life is a One Complete Test. The best human being is the one who submit to the wills of God every waking moment, obedient to His Laws, with complete sincerity and will achieve peace by doing so. Yes it is a very difficult thing to achieve in this life, but that is the main objective we should target to achieve.

To start with, we can try our best to resist the temptation of making negative comments in our mind (secretly) and with our mouth or writings (publicly). Try to avoid any negative thoughts on anything that happen to us or our surroundings. Being able to do this is really a good start since we begin to affirm ourself that God is Perfect.

It's quite easy not to make a stand on things that do not concern us. But if the things we consider "bad" happen to us personally, our family or someone we know, or something that really concern us, then our mind may begin to feed us thoughts for us to react.

Steve Pavlina had written an article on the recent shooting at Virginia Tech by a 19-year old student and how we react to this kind of event. One of the point he made is it's easy to start pointing fingers at others, but if we could change from within ourself for the better, things should be better.

I think another way to try to remove all the negative thoughts and start thinking positive as much as possible is by seeing everything as a reflection or mirror of ourself. God is the Perfect Creator, Organizer, Manager and Sustainer of this world and everything else. Everything that we encounter in our lives is His signs for us to realize our shortcomings and try to improve ourself. Not commenting or worse lamenting on how He "Create Events" in our lives.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Heart and The Mind

Together with this Live or the One Complete Test, God give us 2 extremely precious things. Our Hearts and Our Minds.

Many of us do not realize it that all the decisions we make in our lives every single day and every single time is in the heart and not from our minds.

The mind is use to think about every single thing that our hearts want it to do. But it is not the decision maker. It never has and it never will be the Decision Maker for anyone of us because that is not the mind's job. It's job is very clear - to compile and analyze information, variables, points, argumentations and reasonings (what we called Thinking) and present them to the heart for it to make the Decision.

And the heart makes every single decision in our lives, big and small. It's just that we seldom realize it. The most common things we do everyday like going to the toilet is like automatic (and many believe its already built-in into our "Sub-Concious Minds"), but the fact is there's the presenter of the case - the mind (with all the signs and points it brings to the heart that we need to go to the toilet) and the decision maker - the heart. And yes many of these presentation of the cases and decision making processes happen extremely fast - within a fraction of a second, but there are also things that happen over a long span of time especially many big decisions in our lives.

God Judge us based on all the decisions that we make in our lives and all the actions we take accompanying those decisions. That's why even if we decide to go to the toilet and release the waste, and we thank Him for this ability to release the waste in our body system, He will accept it as a good deed on our part.

He does not judge us with any of the problems we face or any of the results happen to us because he knows about them already as He is the One that make all these things happen to us.

He will only judge us on:-

  • How do we accept the problem he has given to us? Submit or Agree to His Will on us.
  • How we deal with all of these problems, pleasure and gains every single moment we are awake?
  • What are our decisions and actions we take to go through this life with every single problems, situations and advantages (in whatever form it may be) he has given to us?
  • Do we still accept His Wills including the difficulties and hardship that He had want us to go through and still follow His Commandments?
  • When faced with difficulties, are we going to refer back to Him for help, guidance and ways out of the situations he had given to us, feel His Closeness to us every moment and still obey His Commandments.
  • Are we going to sincerely refer to His Book for absolute guidance?
  • Or is it time for us to curse Him and everyone else involved for the hardships we faced?
    Is it time for us to disobey His Commandments and change His words in His Book that He has made as a Perfect Guidance for us to go through every single moment of this life. It is time to change His Book to suit our needs and the current needs of our society since we seems to know the hardship and difficulties our society faced now better than anyone else. May be even better than God Himself? Had he not create the difficulties and hardship situations in our society as well? Is it not a part of the One Complete Test that we must go through?
  • When gifted with any form of gains and pleasures, are we going to thank Him and feel His Closeness and Generousity to us and still obey His Commandments.
  • Or is it time to feel that we are the one in charge of our wealth and all the worldly gains that are due to us and we don't need Him anymore? Is it also not a part of the One Complete Test that we must go through?

When we realize these facts of life, we will also began to understand that the Heart is "The One Absolute Entity" God really assess us. This is because it is the decision maker. Every action (when we are awake) that we take follow the "Decision Maker". Our minds and our every other body parts has never disobey the heart's decision. This is another amazing facts God has made about us Human Beings that we seldom realize as well. The heart is the De Facto of Oneself and God asses us from it.

Therefore God want us to purify our hearts for Him.


Monday, March 26, 2007

True Meaning Of This Life

What is the True Meaning of Life in this world.

Life is One Complete Test. Yes it is the most unacceptable thing for many of us until we finally realize it. It is the greatest "Paradox" of our lives that many of us still do not understand. There are also many of us that are still not convince about this very Fact Of Life.

Let put it in a clear statement once again:-

True Meaning Of Life = Life is One Complete Test from The One and Only God for each and everyone of Human Beings to go through until the last breath he or she takes in this world.

The more hardship and difficulties our life is = the greater the test we face in our lives = it shows how much more our Creator Love us and how much attention He give to this particular servant.

When we die = We leave this world and come back to our Creator and He will tell us with complete details how we have gone through "the Test" that was specifically and perfectly design for each one of us. Our fate in the next world totally depend on how sincere our submission to Him and obedient to His comandments in this world.

All the pleasures and worldly gains we receive in this world does not mean that He love us just yet. In fact all these are also just part of the One Complete Test. He want to know how thankful we are to Him and how close we want to be with Him and follow His Commandments.

And what is this whole Test all about? In other words, what is the purpose of our lives? It is to accept it in our hearts that He is the One and Only God and we are all His servants, and he want us to Submit to His Wills and Commandments because He is our Creator and He knows absolutely what is the best for us to go through in this life.

He does not give us "Free Will". Because "Free Will" means that we have the Will to make everything that we want to happen. But God is the One that makes everything happen not us. Therefore, what He really give us is "Free Choice". The Choice to decide and choose our way of life. The Choice to do whatever we want in this life. The Choice to submit to His Will and Commandments and the way of life that God has prescribed for us or to follow our "lower self".

Therefore, the true meaning of success in this life is not how much material gains or various rankings in societies or accomplishments we have achieved in our lives. But how much have we been able to submit our whole life to His Will and following His Commandments given all the strengths and weaknesss, advantages and shortcomings that He personally has Crafted for us individually.

He doesn't Judge us based on how much worldly accomplishment we have achieved, but based on all the strengths and weaknesss, advantages and shortcomings that he personally give us as an individual, how have we been able to use them to live through this life by following His Commands and accepting to His Will that He has Perfectly Narrated about us.

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Monday, February 05, 2007

2007 And New Hopes For Everyone

Well, it's already 2007. It seems that 2006 come and go very, very fast. We are one year older and hopefully much more wiser as well. Now that the new year resolution month is over, we all can concentrate on what we want to achieve in 2007.

For me, I am looking forward to good year ahead. Apart from my target of being a better person and continuously improve myself, I am also planning for a few Joint Ventures with my friends in my quest to be financially free as well. I wish everyone the best of success in 2007 and beyond. And always remember, God is always with us.